JCRC Parent Councils

About the Parent Councils

Empowering Parents to Drive Change

The Indianapolis JCRC Parent Councils are a new initiative aimed at empowering K-12 Jewish parents to advocate for their children and drive positive change within their schools. Each district and private school with a significant Jewish student population will form its own parent council—a dedicated space for discussing key issues and effectively engaging with school administrations. Parent Council communication will take place through a WhatsApp community. 

We are currently offering Parent Councils for the following districts: 

Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory High School
Carmel Clay Schools
MSD Washington Township Schools
Westfield Washington Schools

If you would like to request a district, please fill out the registration form and choose the “Request District” option. For any questions or concerns, please contact Yaniv Shmukler at yshmukler@indyjcrc.org.