The Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council has recently been made aware of harassing tweets targeting faculty members and students at IUPUI. The JCRC condemns, and in no way supports, the actions of those making these personal attacks, which we believe cross the line of acceptable civil political discourse.

The JCRC and Jewish students on campus have worked collaboratively and in good faith with some of the faculty and students currently receiving this unwanted attention. We will always support free speech and free exchange of ideas, even when we disagree with the ideas being expressed.

In a nation already grappling with an alarming rise in Antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents, smear tactics such as these are meant to drive a wedge between us and embolden extremists.  We cannot allow targeted attacks like this to create an atmosphere on campus where intimidation and fear undermine opportunities for students and faculty to engage in respectful dialogue on serious issues.

The Jewish community stands ready to join efforts on campus that promote understanding, and will continue to fight against discrimination in all forms. We hope our message of solidarity offers some level of reassurance to those affected.