Israel In Depth

The Israel In Depth report is a regular feature on the JCRC’s blog from our Israel and International Affairs Committee.

June 23, 2017

Israel at Home:

  • Terror attack in Jerusalem leaves Israeli border police officer dead.  Read more here.
  • Israeli cybersecurity firm secured $100m investment from SoftBank.  Read more here.
  • Israeli soldiers subjected to radical Haredi abuse.  Read more here.
  • Surprise rain dampens first official day of summer in Israel.  Read more here.

Israel Abroad:

  • UN Envoy condemns Jerusalem terror attack.  Read more here.
  • Israel informs UN Security Council of Hezbollah operations along Israel-Lebanon border under NGO cover.  Read more here.

Israel and the US:

  • U.S. Envoy visits family of slain Israeli policewoman.  Read more here.
  • U.S. Middle East Envoy came to listen, not lecture, says Israeli columnist.  Read more here.