Israel In Depth

The Israel In Depth report is a regular feature on the JCRC’s blog from our Israel and International Affairs Committee.

June 9, 2017

Israel at Home:

  • Israel hosts “Future Meating” conference of global researchers, NGOs and food industry leaders to strategize mass production of cultured meat.  Read more here.
  • Cornerstone laid for largest medical center in Judea, Samaria.  Read more here.
  • Israeli distillery launches country’s first single-malt whiskey.  Read more here.
  • Porche plans investment in Israeli smart-car startups.  Read more here.
  • Israeli city of Ashdod to host 2017 International Mediterranee Festival.  Read more here.
  • Israeli’s celebrate Israeli “Wonder Woman” star, Gal Gadot.  Read more here.


Israel Abroad:

  • Israeli, Jordanians and Palestinians collaborate on earthquake preparedness.  Read more here.
  • Israeli Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Jewish NGO deliver aid to flood-survivors in Sri Lanka following worst natural disaster to hit Sri Lanka since 2004.  Read more here.
  • Cambodian Agriculture Ministry plans to establish a new agricultural training center with Israeli backing. Read more here.
  • Israel and Nicaragua renew diplomatic ties after seven-year freeze.  Read more here.
  • Israel’s UN Ambassador elected Vice President of the next UN General Assembly.  Read more here.
  • PM Netanyahu attended West African economic community summit in Liberia. Read more here.


Israel and the US:

  • Microsoft buys Israeli cyber-security firm for $100 million.  Read more here.
  • Christian Broadcasting Network finds box-office success with docudrama on Six Day War.  Read more here.
  • Israeli TV making inroads in US market.  Read more here.
  • U.S. Ambassador to the UN tells Israeli PM “UN bullies Israel”.  Read more here.
  • U.S. law enforcement stop planned attacks on Israelis in New York, Panama.  Read more here.
  • Queens borough president marches for Israel.  Read more here.
  • U.S. considering departure from UNHRC, citing singular focus on Israel.  Read more here.