Israel In Depth

The Israel In Depth report is a regular feature on the JCRC’s blog from our Israel and International Affairs Committee.

July 7, 2017

Israel at Home:

  • As previously shared on Israel In Depth (See IID 5-5-2017), Israeli physicians are giving deaf Palestinian children the gift of hearing. A short video highlighting this work can be viewed here.
  • New archaeological finds evidence Jewish presence in Caesarea in the 4th and 5th Centuries, CE.  Read more here.
  • Israeli archaeologists identify pigments in cloth believed worn by skilled workers in King Solomon’s copper mines in Israel’s southern Negev desert.  Read more here.
  • Jerusalem and Israeli government agencies create website to crowd-source market interests in Jerusalem, data to be shared with local entrepreneurs.  Read about it here.

Israel Abroad:

  • Israeli-UK Fund to invest in educational technologies.  Read more here.
  • Indian Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Israel a historic ‘first’ for a sitting Indian PM. Read more here and here.
  • Israeli Transportation Minister unveils plans to connect Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq to the Mediterranean through Israeli ports of Haifa and Ashdod.  Read more here.
  • Israeli company to oversee $1 billion worth of solar power projects in Africa.  Read more here.

Israel and the US:

  • U.S. law enforcement to keep Israeli company’s innovative Grab-and-Go booster seats on hand in patrol cars.  Read more here.
  • First Israeli NASCAR driver completes debut race.  Read more here.
  • GE Healthcare orders 12 heart scanners in Israeli company’s first commercial orders. Read more here.
  • U.S. based aggrotech venture capital firm expanding to Israel.  Read more here.
  • Israel-US Binational Industrial R&D Foundation (BIRD) to invest $7 million in eight new Israeli-American projects.  Read more here.