Israel In-Depth

Thanks to our Israel and International Affairs Committee for helping compile this week’s Israel In-Depth. Israel In-Depth brings to you a few news articles that give a closer look at Israel – whether at home, in the world, or in relation to the U.S. 

February 5, 2018


Israel at Home:

Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Names New Conductor, 29 year-old Lahav Shani. Read here

Tel Aviv To Be One Of Handful International Focuses Of Alliance Ventures, A Corporate Venture Capital Fund Established By Renault, Nissan And Mitsubishi To Fund Promising New Automotive Technology Companies. Read here

Israel Transportation Minister Announces Plan To Extend Israeli Rail Line From Beit She’an To The Sheikh Hussein Border Crossing With Jordan. Read here

10 Key Questions About Israel’s African Asylum Seeker Controversy. Read here


Israel Abroad:

Largest City In Philippines Launches Pilot Program Based On Israeli-Developed STEM Curriculum. Read here

India And Israel Agree To Wide Range Of Collaboration – From Cybersecurity To Cinema – During Netanyahu’s 6-day Visit To India, Including Creation Of An Israel-India Industrial Research Fund, Named I4F. Read here

China’s Largest Home Appliance Maker Establishes Innovation Hub In Tel Aviv.  Read here
Israel and the US:

Israel’s First-Ever Skeleton Athlete, Boston-Born AJ Edelman, To Compete In 2018 Winter Olympics. Read here

Vice President Pence Full Address to the Knesset. Read here