I am a junior at Indiana University Bloomington, and I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and History with a minor in International Studies. In part due to my family being from the former Soviet Union, Jewish history, politics, and community relations have fascinated me from an early age. Because of my interests in politics, history, international studies, and community relations, the Jewish Community Relations Council seemed like the perfect fit for me.

I am currently on Day 5 of my internship, but that does not mean that I did not dive in head-first. I have attended a meeting with the Center for Interfaith Cooperation, a security update meeting, a religious education meeting, and the JCRC board meeting. I have had the opportunity to work on our website and social media. I have also begun work on studying and researching Jewish history in Indianapolis. Looking forward, I am excited to develop knowledge and skills in community relations, both internal and external. I am eager to learn more about domestic policy that affects us and do work that could help our community accordingly. I am also interested in learning more about strategies for Israel advocacy and what we, as Jewish Americans, can be doing to help. I am also looking forward to learning even more about our Jewish community and its unique characteristics. Overall, I hope to make a positive impact in both the JCRC and the Jewish community.