Today the Jewish Community of Greater Indianapolis comes together with the worldwide Jewish community to join with the State of Israel in grief and horror following the announcement of the murders of Eyal Yifrach z”l, Naftali Fraenkel z”l and Gilad Shaar z”l. Our entire community’s thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of these boys. As Jews, we share in their grief, and in the collective pain of the people of Israel.

We stand in solidarity with the government and people of the State of Israel during this tragic event and hope that the perpetrators of this heinous act of terrorism and senseless murders will be swiftly brought to justice. We know that Israel will be faced with immense decisions over the coming days. The world must now realize that Hamas is not a partner in peace and is only determined to continue to terrorize Israel and her people.

We hope that the world will remember Gilad, Naftali and Eyal by working together to bring a lasting and secure peace to the State of Israel. May the families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Please continue to stay informed through news sites and know that we, your Jewish Federation and Jewish Community Relations Council, are monitoring events developing in Israel. If you would like to sign a letter of condolence to the families, please visit