Shalom! A message for our Jewish brothers and sisters for the days of Pesach
My dear brothers and sisters of the Jewish faith:
As you, your families and friends gather for the days of Pesach, I extend to you the hope of God’s protection and deliverance. The God of the Covenant holds firm to His promises. He has made many promises! We rejoice with you in His hesed, and firmly offer our prayers for you.
As the great prophet Moses delighted in gathering his people before God at Sinai, and as your ancestors in faith have gathered for millennia to thank God for His saving actions, so your Christian brothers and sisters delight to hear of your coming together for prayer, feasting, and celebrating God’s goodness to His chosen people.
Our world faces many challenges today. It is ours to join with you in facing those challenges, finding solutions rooted in God’s goodness and faithfulness. As once He led your ancestors forth from bondage to freedom, from wilderness to promised land, let us invoke together His name that we might reveal God’s goodness and faithfulness in our own lives for the good of the world.
And at the end of your feasting, may the joy of “Next year in Jerusalem” ring in your homes and in your hearts.
Most Reverend Charles C. Thompson
Archbishop of Indianapolis