Passover Readings for Justice

As we come together with family and friends around our Passover table, and prepare to recall our slavery in Egypt, the ten plagues, and the journey to freedom, we recognize the opportunity – obligation even – to consider the modern-day plagues and forms of slavery that persist.

JCRC has compiled links to several additional readings that can help raise awareness around contemporary injustices including antisemitism, the refugee crisis, mass incarceration, human trafficking, the struggle of being LGBTQ+, hunger, the genocide of the Rohingya people, and more.

We hope you’ll find a few minutes (while the brisket is cooking) to peruse the sites below and print out a few additional readings to spark important conversations around your seder table and inspire action!  

Chag Pesach Sameach!

Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA): A collection of social justice resources for Passover

2019 Passover Resource Round-Up

This Passover, the Imperative of Educating Americans about Anti-Semitism

American World Jewish Service (AJWS):This year, put social justice on your Seder table

Passover Resources

Next Year in a Just World: A Global Justice Haggadah

An Exodus in our Time: A Reflection on the Rohingya Crisis for the Passover table

Our Part in the Journey to Freedom: A Passover call to Action

Avodah: Resources from our Partners and Allies in our Social Justice Work

Passover Haggadot & Resources for Collective Liberation

Anti-Defamation League (ADL):Let us reflect on the modern plagues that still oppress so many, and do everything in our power to forcefully fight them

We Were Strangers Too

This Passover, Think of the Modern Plagues

Keshet:Queering Your Seder

Four Allies | Four Questions

The Stonewall Seder

The Pride Freedom Seder Haggadah

HIAS:Explore the Connections between the Ancient Passover Story and Today’s Refugees

HIAS Haggadah

Haggadah Creator:Let’s Make Your Passover Haggadah Together

Haggadot for Justice

Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Hunger Seder

Religious Action Center (RAC)

Invisible: The Story of Modern Day Slavery, a Social Justice Haggadah 

Invisible: The Story of Modern Day Slavery, a Passover Seder Supplement  

The Ten Plagues


Passover Haggadah Supplement: Crying Out Against Mass Incarceration