What does the Never Again Holocaust Education Act Mean?
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Indianapolis JCRC has released an official statement applauding the Indiana Congressional delegation on the passage of the “Never Again Holocaust Education Act”.
While Indiana has had a Holocaust education curriculum mandate, which was supported by JCRC, since 2007 (with a strengthening of the mandate passing in 2019), many states do not. The “Never Again Holocaust Education Act” will significantly enhance Holocaust education throughout the United States by providing schools with direct support to develop programs, create teacher training opportunities, buy textbooks, schedule field trips, and bring first and second-generation survivors into classrooms. It will also create a central hub at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum to provide schools with resources and best practices to teach about the Holocaust and its critically important and enduring lessons.
The bills were strongly supported by the members of our Congressional delegation with Senators Young and Braun, and Representatives Banks, Brooks, Bucshon, Carson, and Walorski all co-sponsoring the legislation. And, Indiana’s full Congressional delegation voted unanimously in favor of the bill.
As the government affairs and relationship building arm of the Indianapolis Jewish community, the JCRC proudly worked with our Congressional offices urging members to co-sponsor the bill, advocated on Capitol Hill to move it forward, and acted as a resource to answer questions about on-going education efforts in Indiana.
Local Resources for Holocaust & Genocide Prevention Education
Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council Resources
Marla Topiol, Israel & Antisemitism Education Coordinator
Jewish Federation of Indianapolis Holocaust Education
Amber Maze, Holocaust Education Coordinator
List of Holocaust & Genocide Prevention Education Organization
Greater Lafayette Holocaust Remembrance Conference
Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley Holocaust Education
Northeast Indiana Holocaust Education
Ft. Wayne, Indiana
JCRC’s Official Statement on the Passage of the “Never Again Holocaust Education Act”