Yom Ha’Zikaron (Israel Memorial Day) & Yom Ha’Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) 

Yom HaZikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut fall on the 4th and 5th days of the Jewish month of Iyar, usually near the end of April or beginning of May.

Monday evening, April 27, marks the start of Yom Ha’Zikaron, the Day of Remembrance, for the fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism in the State of Israel. On Monday at 8 PM in Israel and again on Tuesday morning at 11 AM, a siren will sound uniting the country in mourning. Israelis will pay respect to family and friends who lost their lives and reflect on the sacrifices made to ensure a strong, vibrant, Jewish, and Democratic state. This day is deeply personal to most Israelis because almost everyone either personally knows or is somehow connected to someone whose life was lost

As the sun sets in Israel on Tuesday night, April 28, Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s 72nd Independence Day, begins. Celebrations include Israeli dancing, singing, and other festivities (often outdoors). While this year is unique, we can still mourn and celebrate together. Please take a look at these local, national, and international events happening tonight (!!!) and Wednesday. 



Jewish Federation of Greater IndianapolisMonday, April 27 @ 7pm

Join a ‘Yom Ha’Zikaron’ Memorial Day service for the Fallen Soldiers of Israel and Victims of Terrorism, Israel’s official remembrance day.This community program is an opportunity to experience how Israelis commemorate their fallen. Members of the Indianapolis community participate each year in telling the stories, reading poems and prayers, in Hebrew and English.

Independence Day – TechnionWednesday, April 29 @ 8am 

All proceeds will support research into a coronavirus vaccine. 

Independence Day – JNF/JFNAWednesday, April 29 @ 2pm 


Resources and Readings: 

Unpack Education 

President of Israel’s Remarks 

An Empty Western Wall Ceremony Begins Memorial Day 2020