These last twelve weeks flew by faster than I could have ever expected. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with Lindsey, Lauren, and David this summer, as well as leaders and members of the Jewish community.
As I walked in the door every morning, I almost never knew what to expect for that day except that there was an adventure in store for me. I was able to work on a variety of projects this summer and engage with JCRC’s work in Government and Domestic Affairs, Israel and International Affairs, and Community Engagement and Intergroup Affairs. From attending and participating in meetings both within and outside of the Jewish community, to sorting through historical documents in honor of the 75th anniversary of JCRC, to designing flyers and logos that will be used in the months and years to come, to working on updating the website, to helping update the 7-Year Jewish Holiday Calendar, to helping prepare for the JCRC Annual Meeting, to volunteering at the Israeli Film Festival, among other assignments, I learned a lot about the kind of work that JCRC does both within and outside of the Jewish community every day.
I am so thankful that I was presented with the chance to learn more about our community, to participate in important discussions concerning future programs and endeavors, and to contribute to the steps being taken every day to make this community an even better place to live and to belong.