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Upcoming Events
Crossing Boundaries: Sunday, February 18 from 3:30-5:00pm in the JCC’s Laikin Auditorium. The program will feature eastern European food, and an impressive panel reflecting on the efforts that brought in and resettled Jews from the Former Soviet Union over 25 years ago.
Village Voices ~ Notes from the Griot: Thursday, February 22 from 7:00-9:00pm in the JCC’s Laikin Auditorium. Organized by the UNITY PROJECT (JCRC is an active partner) this program will consist of a live and interactive artistic experience with musicians, dancers, and artists telling their stories and performing works of African Americans.
Engineering Spring Break in Israel: Purdue University is taking a group of engineering students to Israel over spring break to visit the Technion, Haifa, Akko, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Masada. If you know anyone at Purdue who might be interested in participating, please reach out to Aaron.
Internship Opportunity: Every summer JFGI offers internships at our local Jewish agencies. The program helps interns develop real-world experience and gain an understanding of the Jewish professional world. The application can be found here. For any questions contact Pam at the Federation.
Save these Dates!
March 8: Battle for Jerusalem film screening at the JCC’s Laikin Auditorium.
March 18: Rabbi Sandy and Rabbi Dennis Sasso will be honored as the “2018 Interfaith Ambassadors of the Year” by the Center for Interfaith Cooperation at its 4th Annual Interfaith Banquet. Sponsorship opportunities and tickets available here !
April 4: 50th Anniversary Commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, and Robert Kennedy’s Indianapolis speech. Sponsorship opportunities are available!
April 5: “EVA” Movie Premiere at Butler’s Clowes Hall.