Racial Justice & Equity in Response to the Killing of George Floyd
Tuesday, June, 2, 2020
UPDATED: Friday, June 5, 2020
As we continue to bear witness to the pain, anger, loss, and frustration expressed by so many in cities across the country, including our own, systemic racism continues to reach out from the depths of our country’s history to shake us awake in this present moment.
JCRC will help our community actively listen to the voices, and cries, of our black friends, neighbors, family and community members. We will share statements, articles, and resources directly from our partners in the Black community. Resilient listening is only the start. It is one small, but important way, we can be allies in the call for – and collective march toward – justice.
Below is a list of posts and articles we have shared on our Facebook page this week. You can also view them on our websitehere:
Indiana Black Legislative Caucus Press Conference, IBLC Facebook, Video, 6.5.2020
Where Will You Be? by Hannah Thomas, IndyHub Facebook, Blog, 6.5.202
Indiana Board of Rabbis Statement on Reopening, IBOR Facebook, Statement, 5.4.2020
Faith in Indiana Press Conference, Faith in Indiana Facebook, Video, 6.4.2020
Systemic Racism Explained, Act.tv, Video, 6.4.2020
Rabbi Brett’s Krichiver remarks from Racial Justice Rally, IHC Facebook, 6.4.2020
Dear Jewish community – here’s what to do now, by the Officers of the JCRC Directors’ Association, The Forward, 6.3.2020
Urban League Movement Statement, IUL Facebook, 6.3.2020
Aerial shot of Faith in Indiana’s “Die in”, JCRC Facebook, 6.1.2020
African American Coalition of Indianapolis, AACI Facebook, Statement, 6.1.2020
Ft. Wayne Interfaith gathering for racial justice, Congregation Achduth Vesholom Facebook, 6.1.2020
Indianapolis Urban League, IUL Facebook, Statement, 6.1.2020
Kennedy King Memorial Initiative, KKMI Facebook, Statement, 6.1.2020
Tony Mason: Why a riot ‘is the language of the unheard’, by Tony Mason, IBJ, 6.1.2020
‘Believe us’: Black Jews respond to the George Floyd protests, in their own words, by Josefin Dolsten, JTA, 5.31.2020
JCRC attends faith leader rally for racial justice, JCRC Facebook, 5.31.2020
‘We stand in solidarity’: Jewish organizations respond to the protests over George Floyd’s death, JTA, Philissa Cramer, 5.31.2020
Greater Indianapolis NAACP, Greater Indianapolis NAACP Facebook, Statement, 5.30.2020
JCRC stands with the Black community for racial justice, JCRC Facebook, 5.30.2020